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The Paradise Collection


Perfect summer scents to transport you away to the far away tropics. Bringing you memories of holidays past and visions of journeys to come. Each scent has been selected to give you a little taste of summer.


Find me on the Beach ; A stunning blend of Coconut and Pineapple , hints of suntan lotion and pinacolada. 


Find me by the Ocean : A deep oceanic scent of Driftwood and Citrus that envokes memories of snorkeling in the clear blue exotic waters.


Find me with a Cocktail : The blend of Thai Lime and mango makes this scent transport you to cocktails with friends on those warm summer nights when you would party til sunrise.


Each reed diffuser comes with 8 natural reeds in a 100ml glass bottle with cork stopper. Each one boxed so easy to send as a gift. Made using all natural carrier oil and fragrances.

The Paradise Reed Diffuser Collection

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